Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So That's How Santa Carries Those Big Bags!

While looking at some basketball player cards, my little brother said, "Wow! These players weigh SO much!" But it's all muscle. So, at dinner, I said, "If you ever feel discouraged about your weight, pretend that it's all muscle." My little brother held his arms out as far as they could go, and wiggled them up and down. "It's all muscle," he said. Of course, that reminded me of Santa and his big wiggling belly. So, I guess, that's how Santa is able to carry those big heavy bags of toys. It's all muscle.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Bunch of Junk From The Mind Of Yours Truly

Did you know that I'm bored right now?

I'm supervising a party today. Does that mean I'm super?

"So much for my happy ending." I like that song.

Songs are good. Music is food for the misunderstood soul. Like chocolate is food for the broken heart.

Still bored.

Let's play a game. Tap your keyboard randomly with one hand, and then make a sentence with the letters. Weeeee!


Often, a purple yelophant walks by.

I am still bored.

Come on everybody. Let's play a game. Betcha I can make a rhyme. Out of anybody's name. :P It's a song.

Never thought that my heart could go zing that way. Make me zing that way. Want to zing that way! Say goodbye to my troubles they went that way. Ever since you came into my life. That's a song too.

If you are on a mountain,
Without a goat,
How will you make cheese?
If you go skydiving,
Without a goat,
Would you be sad?
Sailing without a goat?
Is the mountain pretty?
Yes, you're still on the mountain.

You don't have a goat.

OK, still bored. This doesn't work so well.

LA LAAAA LA LA LA. LA LAAAAA LA LA!!! That's a song too. :)

Later, peeps!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Coming Back

Sometimes, we all disappear.
Something happens and we hide under,
Our rocks.
But we all come back.
Like faded gold tulips,
In his,
Hidden away after a winter of death and icy
We come back.
We're here to stay.